Board of Directors - Parkinson Québec

Board of Directors

Meet the board members in office for 2023–2024, to whom we are extremely grateful.

Lyne Tremblay


Lyne Tremblay is retired, after teaching physical rehabilitation techniques at Cégep de Chicoutimi for more than 25 years. Her involvement with students, teachers, physical rehabilitation therapists and the physiotherapy profession continues as a member of the first board of directors of the Association des Thérapeutes en réadaptation physique du Québec and the boards of directors of both the Ordre de la Physiothérapie du Québec (OPPQ) and Cégep de Chicoutimi.

She also received engagement awards from the OPPQ and received the Montaigne award for engagement from Cégep de Chicoutimi. She focused on professional ethics as part of her Master’s in education. She has been president of Parkinson Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean since 2018 after physiotherapy made her aware of the Parkinson’s cause.

Nadine Labbé

First Vice President

Nadine Labbé has held strategic positions in the banking sector for more than 20 years. She joined National Bank in 2009, where she held key roles in different fields, including retail banking services. Today, Nadine is Vice-President – Retail Financing Solutions. She works with multiple teams as part of her mandate to orient product development and communications in this sector.

Nadine has an MBA from Université de Sherbrooke and a bachelor’s in business administration from UQAM.

in recruitment

Second Vice President

in recruitment


Marco Romani


Mr. Romani has an accounting degree from Concordia University and an MBA from Université du Québec à Montréal. He founded Bionic Consulting, which provides business solutions services to major organizations and small and medium enterprises alike. He has more than 25 years’ experience in the Montreal business community and has worked in numerous industries during this period. His uncle has been living with Parkinson’s Disease for more than 30 years and getting involved with the organization fulfills a long-time goal. His extensive management experience is a welcome addition to Parkinson Québec.

Linda Bambonye

Board Member

Linda Bambonye has more than 30 years’ clinical and administrative experience in nursing and hospital settings in the Montreal area. She was the vice president, operations and nursing at St. Mary’s Hospital for more than 15 years. She previously occupied different management positions in the nursing and management fields. She has been a consultant at the CIUSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal for the past four years, offering her clinical expertise in major infrastructure modernization projects.

She has been involved with Parkinson Montréal-Laval for several years and is now President of the Board of Directors. For the past year, she has been a member of the Parkinson Québec Board of Directors, where she serves as Secretary.

My Anh Hamel

Board Member

My Anh Hamel is a business lawyer at Blake, Cassels & Graydon S.E.N.C.R.L./s.r.l. She works in various aspects of commercial and corporate law, including mergers and acquisitions of public and private companies.

As a law student, My Anh worked as a legal advisor on Project Genesis. Today, she continues her pro bono work by helping elite Canadian athletes with their representation before the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada.

Marius Ménard

Board Member

After obtaining a law degree from Université Laval in 1977, Mr. Ménard was called to the Barreau du Québec in 1978. In 1994, he became an associate at the firm that is today Ménard Milliard, which specializes in labour, administrative, social and civil law.

Mr. Ménard has focused on labour law since the beginning of his career, representing non-unionized employee associations. He has appeared before civil courts at all levels as well as specialized tribunals in this vast field of law.

In addition to labour law, Mr. Ménard has developed particular expertise in pension plans, claims for infringement of rights protected by the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms and psychological harassment. Mr. Ménard has also given numerous labour law training courses and conferences.

Marie-France Cloutier

Board Member

After working at Desjardins for nearly 30 years, she recently retired from her most recent position at the Desjardins Foundation. Throughout her career, work and the desire to give back to the community led her to work with and sit on several charitable organizations and foundations.

During her involvement with these organizations, she learned, day after day, the virtues of volunteering and getting actively involved by drawing on her own skills and on the synergy of various groups.

She is living with Parkinson’s Disease at a very mild stage. Through her involvement, she is able to learn more about this disease and contribute to the best of her abilities as a Board member to find solutions likely, if not to cure, then at least to lessen, the devastating effects of Parkinson’s.

Marc Blondeau

Board Member

Over a long career as manager in Quebec and Canadian media, Marc Blondeau became heavily involved in the arts and on numerous professional associations.

Since retiring as president and chief executive officer of the Société de la Place des Arts de Montréal in December 2018, he has remained active in the community in various capacities.

After receiving a Parkinson’s diagnosis, he agreed to join the Parkinson Québec Board of Directors in November 2022.

Isabelle Levesque

Board Member

Tout au long de son parcours, Isabelle Levesque a œuvré pour des causes lui tenant profondément à cœur. Que ce soit les enfants malades, les jeunes de la DPJ, les personnes aînées en situation d’isolement ou la justice sociale, cette professionnelle en communication, philanthropie et gestion d’OBNL a investi passion et expertise pour le bénéfice des membres les plus vulnérables de notre société.

Ayant reçu un diagnostic de maladie de Parkinson en 2023 à l’âge de 52 ans, elle se joint au CA de Parkinson Québec avec le souhait de transformer cette épreuve personnelle en moteur, de sensibiliser à la réalité des personnes vivant avec cette maladie et de contribuer à améliorer leur santé et leurs conditions de vie.

Judith Rochette

Board Member

Ms. Rochette is an associate at Lavery, de Billy. She was called to the Barreau du Québec in 1988 and obtained a Master’s in health law from Université de Sherbrooke in 1990. Her master’s thesis concerned alternative medicine in Québec.

As a litigation lawyer, she has developed expertise in dispute management in the healthcare sector, particularly in professional medical, pharmaceutical and hospital liability, in life insurance and disability and also in disputes between medical residents and their university. She also assists professionals from different professional orders when they are subject to a disciplinary investigation or when they are brought before their disciplinary board.

She also regularly acts as legal counsel to members of the management teams of academic institutions and medical schools on specific management issues such as requests for access to documents, support in dealing with disruptive students, developing internal procedures, preparing files or witnesses for administrative bodies (e.g., Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse, Commission on Access to Information, Ombudsman, disciplinary board), etc.

Both her brother and a friend were recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, which motivated her to get involved in order to shed some light, for herself and for everyone else, on this disease that we are still a long way from treating effectively.

Élaine Racine-Charette

Board Member

Dr. Élaine Racine-Charette has been a neurologist at CIUSSS-Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean since 2018. After completing her residency in neurology at Université de Sherbrooke, she specialized in movement difficulties during a year of further training at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Montréal.

Patients with Parkinson’s Disease make up a significant part of her clinical practice. Particularly concerned with the wellness of Parkinson’s patients in the regions, she joined the local Programme Parkinson team and attended meetings of Parkinson-Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean before making the leap to sitting on the Parkinson Québec Board of Directors.

Emmanuelle Boscher 

Board Member

Diplômée d’un doctorat en Neurosciences à L’Université Laval de Québec, Dre Boscher est actuellement postdoctorante à l’UQAM.  

Durant ses études, elle a pu côtoyer des patients atteints d’une maladie neurodégénérative telle que la maladie de Parkinson ou d’Alzheimer. Elle a été particulièrement émue par les séances passées auprès des patients et a décidé de s’impliquer davantage. Elle a donc intégré la société d’Alzheimer de Montréal en mars 2023 puis le conseil administratif de Parkinson Québec en octobre 2023.  

L’un des moments qui l’ont le plus marqué fut lors d’un test cognitif: un patient devait écrire une phrase de son choix et il a écrit “J’aime ma femme”. Ses capacités cognitives étaient sur le déclin, mais la première chose qui lui est venue à l’esprit fut l’amour qu’il avait pour sa femme. Cette reconnaissance et cette complicité entre les deux, malgré les épreuves, l’ont beaucoup touchée. 
