Planned Giving - Parkinson Québec

Planned Giving

Planned giving:

  • has a significant long-term effect for Parkinson Québec.
  • helps to improve quality of life for people living with Parkinson’s Disease and their caregivers.
  • demonstrates the values of mutual aid, solidarity and empathy toward a cause that is important to you.
  • provides the satisfaction of giving while continuing to benefit from your assets.
  • lightens your tax burden and that of your estate.

“As executor, I sincerely have only good things to say about how Parkinson Québec honours our requests to distribute the donation according to the wishes of my deceased husband. The staff is empathetic and responsive! Parkinson Québec is truly caring and altruistic!”

– Jacinthe Déziel, spouse and executor of Richard St Jean’s estate –

Bequest (legacy)

A bequest is a personal legacy of compassion that aligns with the donor’s philanthropic goals. Bequests are planned gifts payable upon death that lighten the estate’s tax burden and are easy to include in a will. An official tax receipt is issued that can help to reduce the taxes payable on the revenue received by the estate.

Types of legacy gifts:


Specific bequest: specific amount or property

“I bequeath $____ or __% of my estate to Parkinson Québec, 560 Ontario Street East, Montreal, Quebec H2L 0B6, charity registration number: 877695619 RR0001.”


Universal bequest: the total assets, sometimes divided among several beneficiaries

“I bequeath my entire estate to Parkinson Québec, 560 Ontario Street East, Montreal, Quebec H2L 0B6, charity registration number: 877695619 RR0001.”


Residual bequest: the entirety or a percentage of what remains in the estate after debts and special bequests are paid

“The remainder of my estate (the total or a percentage) will go to Parkinson Québec, 560 Ontario Street East, Montreal, Quebec H2L 0B6, charity registration number 877695619 RR0001.”

Other types of planned giving:

Life insurance gift

Naming Parkinson Québec as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy is a way to make a major donation while paying only a fraction of the amount given. The donor pays the annual premiums and, upon their death, the organization receives the insured capital. A tax receipt will be issued to the donor annually or to their estate upon their death depending on which of the following arrangements is selected:

  1. Parkinson Québec is owner and beneficiary of a new life insurance policy.
  2. Parkinson Québec is the partial or sole beneficiary of the life insurance policy and the donor remains the owner.
  3. The already existing life insurance policy is transferred to Parkinson Québec and names the organization as beneficiary.

Retirement Plan Gift (RRSP or RRIF)

Parkinson Québec can be named direct beneficiary of a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) and/or a registered retirement income fund (RRIF). This is a significant way to make a donation to the organization while reducing the tax amount to pay upon death.

Securities Gift 

Such as shares, bonds, mutual funds and other. A gift of securities that have appreciated in value is a simple and intelligent way to save taxes. When appreciated securities are transferred to Parkinson Québec, a tax receipt is issued for a donation in the market value of the security and no taxes will be paid on the capital gains realized when the security is provided.

It is advisable to consult a professional such as a notary, attorney or financial planner who is very familiar with your personal, family and financial situation before making a planned gift.

Donor recognition

When you make a planned gift to Parkinson Québec, you will have the honour of being a legacy ambassador. You will be offered recognition worthy of your gift, while respecting your wishes. You and Parkinson Québec will reach an agreement on the matter.

Are you considering making a bequest or another type of planned gift to Parkinson Québec?

Contact Stéphanie Lavigne-Mayer, Director of Philanthropic Development at 514 861-4422 ext. 229 or at


your donations
change lives
